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Securely Manage Access to Your Property in Mississippi

Securing your property starts with addressing easy access points such as entry and garage doors. MHP Security provides access control solutions to help manage to lock, unlocking, and permitting access to these entryways, even when you’re not on the property. All you need is a smartphone and an app to operate this easy-to-use program. If you’re a homeowner or business in Mississippi looking for a simple solution to handle access for multiple people or need peace of mind your property is secure when you’re out of town, contact our team for an access control product consultation.


Why Choose an Access Control Solution From MHP Security?

Access control’s modern technology alleviates much of the burden that comes with traditional door locks, door-side installed keypads, and alarm company-managed passwords. It doesn’t matter if you’re a homeowner or business operator; to put it simply, we’ll make your life A LOT easier. How?

Lock Codes

What’s the key to reliable and safe property access control? No keys! Keys are cumbersome, hard to keep track of, and if they’re lost or stolen, it’s a call into the locksmith to have the locks replaced. Our lock codes allow you to lock and unlock your doors remotely, set time-limited access codes, and receive notifications whenever anyone opens your door. Codes can be created and disabled at any time, so there’s never a need to change locks.

Alert Notifications

Maybe you weren’t the last to leave the property, but the person who forgot to lock the door. You’ll get reminders if a door is left unlocked. Additionally, you’ll be notified when any door is locked or unlocked on the property and by whom.

Remote Control Access

The access control app is available and accessible on any mobile device, allowing you to lock and unlock doors from anywhere. Let visitors, contractors, dog walkers, or cleaning people into your home or business even when you’re not there.

Benefits for Business Owners Who Use Access Control

Business owners and property managers have many employees and visitors to hold accountable and be responsible for. However, it’s impossible to be on the property 100% of the time. Access control by MHP Security allows companies to efficiently manage all access points of the business through a simplified app.

  • Manage permissions remotely
  • Secure equipment and inventory
  • Quickly add and delete employee access permissions
  • Keep track of activity in real-time

Simplify and Centralize With Access Control

It’s time to say goodbye to keys, alarm pads, and third-party property monitoring companies. Simplify access to your property and manage it all within one simple app on your mobile device. Assigning access codes, changing permissions, and receiving real-time notifications about the activity will cut down on confusion and provide greater peace of mind. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.

Schedule a Consultation